Föranmälan till WASG 2025


Det är hög tid för anmälan till WASG, har du tänkt åka gå in på hemsidan för WASG och anmäl dig!

Nedan är saxat från WASG hemsidan.

Pre Registration now open

The registration process will consist out of two phases.

Phase 1

In the first phase, all pilots are able to register for the WASG 2025 through this online form:


This phase starts now and run until the end on February 2025.

After the end of this phase we will count all entries. If the number of registered pilots exceeds our capacity of 120 pilots, we will contact all NCs and work out a quota for each country. Each country may then decide how the handle the nomination/qualification of their national pilots.

When the list of participants is set, we assign unique pilot numbers to every participant.

Then we open…

Phase 2

Phase 2 of the registration will start on 1st April 2025 and run until the end on June 2025.

In the second phase we ask pilots to register their models to later speed up the check-in process. Each model will be assigned a unique ID so that it is identifiable at the contest.

In phase 2 we also collect a part of the entry fee as advance payment. With this step the registration is binding. The rest of the entry fee as well as camping costs will be collected at the check-in. Please be aware that we cannot refund your advance payment if you don’t show up at the contest.